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“The lining in this dress was thin, meaning you could see through it pretty easily. I had to have the pockets removed because you could see them through the top layer of fabric. Also had to make sure I had a slip or Spanx that would make sure I was covered underneath. I’m 5’8″, wore flats, and the length was just about perfect without alterations. The dress was comfortable otherwise.”

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Phasellus id velit metus. Pellentesque mattis varius libero. Donec nec magna sed arcu tincidunt ullamcorper. Nulla blandit, sem nec maximus sodales, elit magna egestas nisl, eget auctor nunc ex ac nulla. Duis convallis, justo sed faucibus maximus, mi felis finibus augue, nec tincidunt mi nulla a libero.

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