This beautifully decorated Red Creepers bouquet with shimmery red net stocking flowers centered with decorative pearl sticks wrapped around by white & red ribbons & green leaves are a perfect match for your wedding outfit. These Red Creepers bouquet might look standard but not so standard when you hold it while walking down the aisle.
Fall in love with this long-sleeved lace wedding dress with open back from Christian Heritage. Pearl buttons over a zipper closure add just a hint of glam to the cameo back.
Turn heads and steal the show in this breathtaking lace A-line gown from Christian Heritage. The bodice of this gown features layered lace, giving it a stunning botanical feeling. Make a fashion statement on your special day!
A signature dress from Christian Heritage with hint of sparkle on the dress enhances the lace back. Square Neck with modern lace in a large, floral-inspired pattern focuses mainly on the bodice but crawls over the waistline and onto the tulle skirt creating movement.